
 Financial Management for Students: Tips and Strategies from Surana Evening College


Financial Management for Students: Tips and Strategies from Surana Evening College

In the journey towards academic and professional success, managing finances effectively is a crucial skill for students. At Surana Evening College in South End Circle, Bangalore, we understand the unique financial challenges faced by our students, especially those juggling work and studies. This blog shares valuable tips and strategies on financial management, tailored for students pursuing their commerce degree with us, to help navigate their financial journey with confidence.

Create a Budget and Stick to It

The cornerstone of sound financial management is budgeting. Start by tracking your income, including earnings from part-time jobs, scholarships, and family support, and then list your monthly expenses. Prioritize essentials like tuition fees, books, and living expenses, and allocate a portion for savings. Apps like Mint or YNAB (You Need A Budget) can simplify this process, offering a clear overview of where your money goes each month.

Understand Your Student Loans

For many, student loans are a necessary part of financing their education. It’s crucial to understand the terms of your loans, including interest rates and repayment schedules. Surana Evening College recommends exploring scholarships and grants available to commerce students, potentially reducing the need for loans. Websites such as and are excellent resources for finding financial aid opportunities.

Smart Spending on Textbooks and Resources

Textbooks can be a significant expense for students. Save money by buying used textbooks, renting them, or exploring digital versions. Online platforms like Chegg or Amazon offer textbooks at a fraction of the cost of new ones. Additionally, Surana Evening College’s library and online resources provide access to a wealth of academic materials, reducing the need to purchase every book on your syllabus.

Utilize Student Discounts

Many businesses offer discounts to students on everything from software to transportation and food. Always carry your student ID and don’t hesitate to inquire about student discounts before making a purchase. Websites like UNiDAYS and Student Beans offer access to numerous student deals and savings.

Save and Invest Wisely

Even as a student, it’s never too early to start saving and investing. Consider setting aside a small portion of any income or gifts into a savings account or a beginner-friendly investment platform. Apps like Acorns or Robinhood make it easy to start investing with small amounts, teaching valuable lessons about the stock market and investment strategies.

Plan for the Future

While focusing on current expenses is important, planning for the future is equally crucial. Start building good credit habits by using a credit card responsibly, if you have one, and paying off the balance each month. Understanding credit scores and how they impact future loans for cars or homes is a valuable financial skill.




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